Scouting America: A New Era of Inclusivity Begins for the Former Boy Scouts of America


In a historic move, the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), a century-old institution, has announced a name change to Scouting America, marking a significant shift towards inclusivity. This change, the first in the organization's 114-year history, comes as the group emerges from bankruptcy and a wave of sexual abuse claims.

The Irving, Texas-based organization, steeped in tradition, has been undergoing seismic changes over the past decade. The group, which once excluded gay youth and girls, has now opened its ranks to all, reflecting a broader societal shift towards inclusivity. The name change was announced at the annual meeting in Florida.

"In the next 100 years we want any youth in America to feel very, very welcome to come into our programs," said Roger Krone, who assumed the role of president and chief executive officer last fall.

The organization began welcoming gay youth in 2013 and lifted the ban on gay adult leaders in 2015. In 2017, it announced that girls would be accepted into the Cub Scouts program as of 2018 and into the flagship Boy Scout program — renamed Scouts BSA — in 2019.

The inclusion of girls has seen a significant rise in female participation. Nearly 1,000 young women were in the inaugural class of female Eagle Scouts in 2021. The organization currently serves over 1 million youths, including more than 176,000 girls and young women.

The move to accept girls throughout their ranks strained relations with the Girl Scouts of the USA, which sued, claiming it created marketplace confusion and damaged their recruitment efforts. The two groups reached a settlement after a judge rejected those claims, stating both groups are free to use words like "scouts" and "scouting."

The organization's $2.4 billion bankruptcy reorganization plan took effect last year, allowing it to continue operating while compensating the more than 80,000 men who claimed they were sexually abused as children while scouting.

The organization's new name, Scouting America, will officially take effect on Feb. 8, 2025, the organization's 115th birthday. However, Krone expects people to start using the new name immediately.

"It sends this really strong message to everyone in America that they can come to this program, they can bring their authentic self, they can be who they are and they will be welcomed here," Krone said.

The rebranding of the Boy Scouts of America to Scouting America is not just a name change, but a significant step towards inclusivity and acceptance, reflecting the evolving societal norms and values. The organization's commitment to creating a welcoming environment for all youth, regardless of their gender or sexual orientation, is a testament to its dedication to its core values of leadership, service, and personal growth.

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