Jonathan Majors, the actor once poised to be the next big villain in Marvel's cinematic universe, now finds himself embroiled in a series of legal battles following a conviction for misdemeanor assault and harassment. The actor, known for his roles in "The Last Black Man in San Francisco" and HBO's "Lovecraft Country," was found guilty in December 2023 after his former girlfriend, Grace Jabbari, accused him of a violent altercation.
The incident, which occurred in March 2023, involved Majors allegedly attacking Jabbari in the backseat of a chauffeured car. Jabbari claimed that Majors hit her head with his open hand, twisted her arm behind her back, and squeezed her middle finger until it fractured. Majors, however, maintained that he was merely trying to retrieve his phone from Jabbari, who he claimed had flown into a jealous rage after reading a text message from another woman on his phone.
Despite Majors' claims, the jury convicted him of one assault charge and a harassment violation. Following the conviction, Majors was dropped by Marvel Studios, where he had been cast as Kang the Conqueror, a role envisioned as the main villain in the entertainment empire's movies and television shows for years to come.
In the aftermath of the conviction, Majors expressed hope for a second chance. "As he eagerly anticipates closing this chapter, he looks forward to redirecting his time and energy fully toward his family and his art," Majors' lawyers said in a statement. However, the legal troubles for the 34-year-old California native and Yale University graduate are far from over.
Last month, Jabbari filed a civil suit in Manhattan federal court, accusing Majors of assault, battery, defamation, and inflicting emotional distress. She alleges that Majors subjected her to escalating incidents of physical and verbal abuse during their relationship, which lasted from 2021 to 2023. Majors' lawyers have declined to respond to the claims, stating only that they are preparing to file counterclaims against Jabbari.
The actor's fall from grace is reminiscent of other high-profile figures in the entertainment industry whose careers have been marred by controversy. Kathy Griffin, for instance, faced severe backlash and lost numerous job opportunities after posting a controversial photo of herself holding a blood-soaked Donald Trump mannequin head in 2017.
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